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Pictures and sounds between us.
Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Youth exchange "PICTURES AND SOUNDS Between Us" is a project of integrating young people with fewer opportunities (Sicily and Poland North - East, considered the least prosperous regions in their respective countries). The aim of the project is to enable young people meet with their peers from another country, to know another culture and explore topics related to tolerance, stereotypes and fundamental human rights and showing them through photo essays and short videos and movies. Selected issues around themes zgłębili young people through workshops based on non-formal education. Youth learned how to create videos, take pictures, conduct interviews. Using photos, audio, video presented their views on minorities, stereotypes prevailing in society. Together they created a series of photographs filmół and then presented during the official exhibition, to which were invited Nowinka local inhabitants, tourists staying on vacation and young people and adults with a friendly camp integration. The project, which we were able to achieve was to mobilize young people to overcome social and cultural barriers. The international exchange involving 34 young people from Polish and Italian. This meeting, which was co-creators themselves be led and creating (realizing Copyright ideas for activities around the media, leading discussions and group reflection, organizing different actions) this allowed young people to learn another culture, so different point of view on the world. Cooperation with the disabled has allowed young people to know the real problems of people subjected every day of marginalization and stereotyping. Through photography and sound talked about topics important but difficult for young people: discrimination, social exclusion, diversity, stereotypes. Through activities based on multimedia arts they have the opportunity to see how different are our points of view, how different we are. It was an opportunity to accept diversity and to see how much good it brings to the relationship. The finale of the project was an exhibition showing the best pictures produced during the exchange and screenings of films and videos for the local community, youth and youth workers. The partnership with Italian organize similar events in their home country.



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