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People Power Quality
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Within the project “People Power Qulity” Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres (AEYC) is coordinating four international volunteers for a long- term European Voluntary Service to Estonian youth centres. -Rakvere Open Youth Centre will host one Austrian volunteer sent by LOGO jugendmanagement gmbH for 12 months between 1st of September 2016- 31st of August 2017;-Paide Open Youth Centre will host one volunteer from Denmark sent by Dansk ICYE and one volunteer from Italy sent by Vicolocorto for 12 months between 1st of September 2016- 31st of August 2017;-Haljala Youth Centre will host one volunteer from Hungary sent by Egyesek Youth Association between 1st of September 2016- 30th of June 2017.The volunteers will work in the open space of the youth centres getting actively involved in communicating and developing non formal educational activities with the youngsters and the youth workers in the youth centre; in hobby clubs and workshops teaching or learning new skills; and with helping to organize or starting different events in cooperation with local youth, community and other stakeholders. The aim of this project is to reinforce diversity and intercultural dialogue, develop key competencies to activate the potential of the volunteers as well as of the local youth and youth workers, and raise the quality of youth participation, youth work and cooperation on local, national and international level.This project will help to draw more attention to the quality and value of youth work. It also shows how important is the human resource- young people, volunteers, youth workers and community members- no matter what is their background, but they possess unlimited potential- and tries to bring different stakeholders closer to each other, to unite power for quality.The project gives a better understanding of the value of diversity and encourage to become active to develop key competencies needed for qualitative personal and professional life. In long term, it will show more active citizens open to intercultural dialogue and even greater willingness to collaborate and participate in international youth work.



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