Rechercher des projets européens

Pelču jauniešu motivēšana tālākizglītībai un pašizaugsmei
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Kuldigas novada Pelcu pagasta parvalde is public body, local government of village Pelci, who, taking care of the future of local community, would like to implement lifelong-learning project "Motivation of young people of Pelci to continuing education and self-development". The work with new adults in rural areas of Latvia is very complicated but it is especially important and till now there weren't any educational activities offered to people in the age 18-25, living in Pelci, a lot of them had left education. Based on good practice and several years of experience in lifelong-learning in Pelci Library, the organisation has worked on project, what will provide the opportunity to give support to this target group. This project in collaboration with local students and new specialists will manage employee of project's organisation, director of public library of Pelci and lifelong-learning enthusiast Daina Girvaite. The main objectives of the project: 1) to create a lifelong-learning activity offers for 18-25 year olds (workshops, discussions on topical issues, professional orientation, career assistance and support, foreign language training, ICT use, etc.); 2) to involve local talented and educated young adults in lifelong learning arrangements; 3) to organize regular (weekly) lifelong learning activities relevant to this age group; 4) to motivate participants in a comprehensible and attractive way for further education and self-development; 5) to improve professional skills of the project manager Daina Girvaite, sending her to the Cervantes Training training course "Coaching in Educational Contexts to Reduce early school leaving" the 25.-31.07.2015; 6) to reduce the stress and aggression level of target group using psychological and emotional techniques; 7) to reduce early school leaving problem in Pelci parish, motivating young adults to acquire general, professional training and / or higher education; 8) to support the career development of participants; 9) to prepare and to involve young adults in lifelong-learning activities, in addition to improving their knowledge of foreign languages, with a hope to start in the future some international projects, also searching of partners for intercultural activities. Project duration: 01/06/2015-01/06/2016. Main activities - lifelong learning classes, suitable for a young adults (weekly during the period of the project), encouragement and involvement of active young specialists in training management of creative workshops and interactive foreign language classes, attending to the course "Coaching in educational contexts to reduce early school leaving" of project manager D.Girvaite,sharing knowledges and experience after this course with project target group and colleagues. The dissemination of results and the work with publicity in social networks and other media of information, creating presentations to share. The project will be monitored throughout its duration. Number of participants of learning mobility : 1 (Daina Girvaite) Methodology: Practical and dynamic activities enabling participants to learn confidently and offering practical exercises to fully integrate techniques and strategies. The methodology is based on mutual trust and support to lifelong-learners to help them build confidence, create a desire for further training and set higher goals for their lives. Also, the chosen learning mobility offers to acquire such methods as the use of energy psychology techniques of stress management. Expected results and impacts: 1) at local level - successfully realized project "Motivation of young people of Pelci to continuing education and self-development , reducing early school leaving and motivating learners in education and profession development and increasing their competitiveness in the labor market; 2)at regional level - organized training by sharing knowledge for colleagues in lifelong-learning in libraries of region and other interested persons, inspired organizations to start similar projects in their local communities, because early school leaving is common problem in rural areas of Latvia; 3) at national level - created information, useful for lifelong-learning lessons, available to all interested persons posted in newspapers, internet and social networks. Additional bonus - a participant's personal experience through participation in international learning mobility is a good example to encourage other adult education staff to apply for Erasmus + projects; 4) at international level - Presentation of good image of Latvia, sharing good practice and experience sharing with foreign partners, the meeting of new partners for future possible projects. The real indicator of effectiveness data will be the number of young adults involved in the project and how many of them will continue education and will have good success in labor market. This project will open the opportunity to access 18-25 olds and to support their self-development.

