Rechercher des projets européens

Pasniedzēju kompetenču paaugstināšanas un attīstīšanas kursi
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

During its existence "Mācību centrs plus", have implemented a number of projects, including international ones, in the following fields: light industry, national language training for the unemployed, increasing competitiveness in business of the unemployed, psychology, training, ecology, professional development of educational programs for organization of teaching process in prisons, sports activities etc. The training center has three subsidiaries - in Jekabpils, Kraslava and Rezekne. Since foundation, we are successfully and actively engaging people in training (tourism, manufacturing, sales, languages and other areas), we have implemented different projects such as: the unemployed and job seekers in voucher training, lifelong learning measures and competitiveness improvement measures. Our target groups are unemployed adults, per-retirement age people, per-retirement age women, employed people etc."Mācību centrs plus" offers the following forms of training:• Non-formal education (languages, computer science, accounting software)• Professional training (fire safety, occupational safety, sewing, slinging, accounting basics, basics of agriculture)• Training (personnel management, time management, psychological counseling).We have established cooperation with Lithuania, Iceland, Poland, Russia, Belarus and different organizations.Our training center has big experience in teaching such languages as English, German, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian and Lithuanian. Since 2012, the training center implemented tuition in foreign languages, including English language training courses. Our Centre offers teaching English for people with and without basic knowledge of the language. Educational Center trained - commercial workers, the unemployed (in the form of informal learning), employees etc. Every year our training center teaches English for about 52 adults. Our training center is a great platform for provision of training sessions as we are equipped with technical means and have professional educators. Moreover, it has great potential for further development, so we are ready to expand the platform.Project participants have experience at Latvian and the regional levels; they have participated in various projects and training sessions. Unfortunately, the teachers have little experience at the international level.Project objectives:-to improve, modernize and internationalize the curriculum quality using the teachers’ acquired knowledge and competences,-to popularize our training center to attract more adult learners and to inform they about education possibilities, using newly acquired knowledge and competences,-to expand our experience and make new contacts with European countries, adopting and exchanging different skills.Project outcomes:- to develop and expand existing curriculum based on newly acquired knowledge of teachers.-to produce new and advanced training programs based on newly acquired knowledge of teachers.-to acquire innovative methods of increase of motivation (among adults) and get new language teaching methods;-to acquire modern sewing technology;-to acquire modern teaching methods in the field of marketing (social media tools in marketing management)- to raise adults culture awareness on a variety of teaching methods and educational systems in European countries, increasing their interest in different teaching options and methods.Planned activities:-Sewing Technology teacher’s attendance of the course (in Italy), to improve her professional skills.-English Language teachers’ attendance of the courses (in Croatia), to improve their qualification in enhance of motivation while teaching the English language;-Marketing Teacher’s attendance of the courses (in Italy), to improve his qualification in use of new instruments in the field of marketing.The impact of the project on the participants is new and innovative teaching methods to enhance motivation and training, as well as new knowledge and technologies of sewing and modern marketing tools. Awareness and better understanding of the teaching methods used abroad will be achieved.The impact of the project on the organization is great benefit from the teachers who will acquire new knowledge (competencies). Therefore, they will also be able to apply the knowledge to the needs of the organization. Teachers' competencies in the promotion, as a result, will attract more adults to the Centre, because adults always want to get the latest information and innovative approaches of teaching and learning. The knowledge gained within the framework of the project by the course participants will be shared with the rest of teachers, thus disseminating the results of the project. The acquired knowledge will raise training center's reputation and promote it. All the obtained in the course materials will be held in the training center and will be available for every visitor of our training center and any educator.

