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Outdoors as a tool 'Outdoor Living'
Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

We believe in experiential learning, and being outdoors is a great way of sharing, experiencing and connecting with each other. We believe that nature is important in people's lives. For health, growth and happiness. And we see that a lot of organizations all over Europe try to bring youth outdoors to let them experience and discover what more there is than life in the city. But we also see the struggles of organizations in facilitating outdoor life in a sustainable and pleasant way so it doesn't scare the youth but embraces them. We aim to help each other in facilitating the process of bringing youth outdoors to live there for a (short) while.With this 'Outdoor living' exchange we want to combine sustainable living with an important topic of nowadays, the refugees coming into Europe. Together we can start thinking about these topics and help youth by creating living places in a different place than the 'safe' city. The goal of this Exchange is to create the space where participating youth, from 7 different countries, can share their experiences, learn from each others culture, background and way of living and learn about living outdoors. It also promotes European cooperation in the youth work field by building strong connections between the participating organizations and youth which might lead to more exchange of knowledge and people in the future. During the exchange, the youth will deliver different workshops and work on tools which can be used in their own organisations. These workbooks will be tested during the program and will learn the participants about the need of preserving nature and sustainable living. his will be done in multiple sessions, discussion rounds, debates, workshops and sharing rounds.The project is hosted by Buitendoor from the Netherlands and will take place from the 15th till the 21th of Mai (excluding travel days) at the campsite of Buitendoor, Landgoed 'Welna' in Nunspeet. 21 participants and 7 group leaders, aged 16-30 years old from 7 different countries. During the week we gather as much as possible of the shared information and knowledge. This can be shared freely with all people interested in this topic. With the output they are going to design tools to bring home and write a blog which we will post on a created website and share with social media. We want to create a lot of attention in the local area by inviting the newspaper and invite locals for the small projects of the participants. You can follow us the whole week by the #outdoorliving!



7 Participants partenaires