Rechercher des projets européens

Otwórzmy się na Europę !
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

A report of a dialogue and analysis center THINKTANK , which presents the results of more than two years of the ongoing project "RE-VISION" says how the state, the market, work, education, lifestyle and Polish place in Europe in the next decade will change ". It presents an optimistic view of education, which we would like to pursue: "... schools become modern educational centers integrating local communities, building blocks foundations of participatory democracy and innovation, as well as strengthening social bonds based on the integration of generations. Young people will perform more tasks in groups, will learn to cooperate and to be entrepreneurial... ""Let Us Open Up To Europe" is a 18-months long project, which we would like to work on within Action 1: mobility of education staff . The objectives of the project are closely related to the European Development Plan for High School No. 7 in Krakow. The aim of the project is to send some of school employees, including 11 teaching staff (teachers and principals) and one administrative staff for the language or methodical courses. The project coordinator will participate in training for European projects management. The institution has been involved in international cooperation with several partners for years and we want this co-operation to be continued. School staff are aware of the importance of knowledge of foreign languages in modern world. We realise that the access to the world is becoming easier and how important the ability to both teachers and students is. We hope our students become aware Poles, Europeans, and citizens of the world. To achieve this we need a proper knowledge and skills of our teaching staff. The institution often hosts foreigners from different countries, in turn, our students under the supervision of teachers regularly visit partners in their countries, schools and homes. For such visits, the entire school community must be well prepared. So we don't want only foreign language teachers to benefit from the opportunity offered by the Erasmus Plus programme.Teachers of other subjects are willing to be involved in any international activities despite obvious language barriers. To reduce this discomfort and give the opportunity to develop to all who want it, we decided to proceed with the project. Most of the eligible employees are those who haven't had the possibility to participate in mobility projects yet and these people need our support which we are able to provide with the European Union funds. Thanks to experienced staff who applied in recent years with success in Comenius learning programmes and thanks to highly evaluated multilateral school partnership project it is possible to achieve our goal. Among the qualified beneficiaries there are teachers of different subjects, as well as an accounting employee. All these people are involved in the ongoing development of their own competence and the development of the school. They are not afraid of challenges, and their participation in the courses is a guarantee of long-term results. They will help to improve the quality of teaching in our school and to strengthen the efficiency and international comprehension of our school. We will take care of high quality learning outcomes of the participants, because the profile of the selected training is consistent with the needs of the individual participants and the needs of the institution.

