Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project aims to provide young people with comprehensive support for futures to lift the barriers to employment faced by young people together and is based on three successive stages 2 of which are already done and the 3rd stage is to host volunteers from January to September 2016 period covering the EURO 20161st step:April-May 2015Information meetings are scheduled every 15 days in the International Department to present all mobility devices accessible to young people but also action in particular that we develop .We expect the outcome of these meetings to select these 15 young people on the basis of their motivations , their availability and their desires to have a mobility experience and commit to a long term project.Step 2:May-July 2015Preparation preparation workshops are then expected to prepare the youth volunteer group at their first experience of mobility and the reception of 15 European volunteers who will be welcomed from July 2015 .July 2015Home of the 15 European volunteers for 1 month (EVS short term) and setting up the host project with French and European pairs in partnership with the youth services of the territory ( the program: language and cultural workshops, establishment of recreational activities for youth and teens destinations , ...)European partners involved in the project :Macedonia / Ukraine / Georgia / Armenia / Spain / Russia.August/ September 2015Departure of French youth in the European Voluntary Service in one of the partner countries to carry out a mission of general interest .At the end of their European voluntary service, the French and European young people benefit from a Youthpass certificate highlighting all the skills acquired during their voluntary service in Europe.Step 3 : Hosting the 15 volunteers we already hosted for a long term period. Our goal is to support 15 young french registered or pending registration in jobs Local Mission between 18 and 25 years and 15 young Europeans from Spain, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Macedonia and Russia for 16 months.



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