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Ölü Nehir Ergene Hayat Buluyor! - Ergene Is Springing To Life!
Date du début: 20 juin 2014, Date de fin: 20 févr. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Ölü Nehir Ergene Hayat Buluyor!"" gençlik degisimi projesi, Trakya'nin can damari olan Ergene Nehri'nin asiri derecede kirlenerek adeta ölü bir nehir haline gelmesi, Ergene Nehri kirliliginden dolayi geçtigi tüm güzergahtaki insan ve hayvan sagligini olumsuz etkiledigi gibi, tarim arazilerini de olumsuz yönde etkilemekte ve ekilen ürün verimini düsürmekte olmasi sorunlarindan yola çikarak hazirlanmistir. Ergene Nehri kiyisinda yasayan köylülerin bu sorun hakkinda bilgi edinmelerini ve bilinçlenmelerini, yönetimlerin bu konu hakkinda bir çözüm politikasi üretmeleri gerektigine dikkat çekmeyi, Ergene Nehri'ni ele alirken dogal su kaynaklarimizin insan yasami için önemini kavratmayi, projede yer alan gençlerin saglikli bir çevrede yasama haklari oldugunu fark ettirmeyi, çevrelerindeki sorunlari dile getirebilmeleri için bir ortam olusturmayi ve çözüm üretme yetisi kazandirmayi, dünyada emsali görülen nehirleri ve bu nehirlerin kurtarilmasi için yapilan çalismalari arastirarak, örnek çalismalari ülkemize tasimayi hedeflemekteydi. Proje Türkiye, Hirvatistan ve Bulgaristan ülkeleri ortakligiyla, 18 - 30 yas arasinda toplamda 27 gencin katilimiyla 8 gün boyunca gerçeklestirilmistir. Projede yer alan gençlerin bir kismi daha önce bu tarz faaliyetlerde yer almis gençlerken, bir kismi ekonomik, cografi ve kültürel engellere sahip, daha önce hiç bir faaliyet içerisinde yer almamis dezavantajli gençlerdi. Proje faaliyetleri, beyin firtinalari, sunumlar, oyunlar, sanatsal ve kültürel atölye çalismalari, dis mekan etkinlikleri, yerel halk ile sohbetler, sokakta ve sosyal medyada yayginlastirma çalismalarini içermekteydi. Proje süresince katilimcilarin ögrenmeyi ögrenecekleri yaygin egitim metotlari kullanilmistir. Proje ile katilimcilar kisisel, sosyal ve kültürel yetiler kazanmislardir. Kazandiklari bu yetileri gelecekte kullanmalari, hem kendi yasamlarinda hem de toplum faydasinda kullanmalari, bir dalga etkisi yaratarak çevrelerindeki gençleri de bu ögrenme sürecine dahil etmeleri beklenmektedir. Projemizin olusturdugu etki ile, Ergene Nehri'nin kirlilik sorunu, kurtarilmasi ve korunmasi gerektigi hakkinda bir farkindalik olusturulmasi, insan kaynakli endüstriyel, evsel atiklarin durdurulmasi, suyun insan yasamindaki öneminin yaslilar, gençler ve çocuklar tarafindan kavranmasi saglanmistir. ""Youth exchange project, “Ergene Is Springing To Life!”, was prepared that based on problems such as being like dead river because of extremely pollution of Ergene River which is one of vital points of Thrace, being negatively effected health of human and animal living in the route of Ergene River because pollution, effecting negatively agricultural areas and reducing the yield of products. It was aimed to bring case studies to our country, inform and raise awareness of villagers living near Ergene River about this problem, to draw an attention that administrations should produce a political solution about this, to emphasize the importance of our natural water sources for human life while dealing with Ergene River, to make youngs, took a place in project, realize that they have a right to live in healthy environment, to establish an environment in order to reflect problems around and to give an ability to produce a solution by examining rivers, precedents of these seem in the world, and studies which was made in order to save these rivers. The project was actualized for 8 days by attending of 27 youngs in total between 18 and 30 ages, with the partnership of Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria. While some of the youngs are the ones who attended these kinds of activities, some of them are the ones with disadvantage that they did not attend any activity because of economical, geographical and cultural handicaps. Project activities included brainstorms, presentations, games, artistic and cultural workshop works, outdoor activities, conversation with local folk, dissemination works in street and social media. During the project process, common education methods was used. With the project it was supposed that attenders gained personal, social and cultural competences. It was supposed that other people around them were in this learning process by creating a wave affect owing to using these competences that they learned, in their personal and life and behavior of society. With the effect of project it was aimed to create a consciousness about the necessity of pollution problem, saving and protecting of Ergene River, to stop the man-made industrial and domestic wastes, and to make old people, youngs and children aware of the importance of water in human life. It was aimed to create a net in order to protect the water sources in the world by the partnerships.""



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