Rechercher des projets européens

Nuevas perspectivas laborales
Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Secondary School Federica Montseny is located on the outskirts of Valencia, on the East coast of Spain and presents a formative offer in Compulsory Secondary Education, Secondary Education, Vocational Training of Intermediate and Advance Level for the branches of Health , Electricity and Ectronics Installation, Basic Maintenance and Basic FP of Maintenance and Assembly.The Institute has expertise in European Programmes and currently offers Charter Erasmus Higher education 14-20 performing mobility of students in vocational training of Advance Level and has approved an Erasmus+KA101 School Education Project.Our partner, the company Sartori Amusement Rides SRL, situated in Montagnana, Italy, has collaborated with the Institut in the implementation of projects Erasmus + Higer Education for five years. . The relationship has always been very satisfying for both partners. Our intermediate students is perfectly suited to the professional profile required by the company and will have the chance to put into practice their knowledge acquired during their training at the school.Vocational Training medium grade students come from families of socio-cultural level low to medium, with little chance to get out of their environment and have international experience, as well as a low proficiency in foreign languages, and lack of personal autonomy. This student will soon be in condition to find their first job and need quality training to enhance their employability.Moreover, the institute faculty need to know new forms of production and expand the network to establish new partners to the achievement of future mobility of students of all professional families of the center.With the ultimate aim of improving the quality of training offered to our students, the Institute wishes to provide it with a new European dimension and encourage international cooperation between schools and businesses, measures to facilitate integration of students in European companies and getting a innovative and transparent in the FCT (Practices in the Workplace) development. Also it wants to promote a space of learning throughout life and interest in learning languages ​​and cultures of other EU countries.Mobilities to be carried out are:- Two students of Intermediate Industrial Mechatronics cycle, will perform their work placement training (FCT) for 3 months (400 hours) in the company Sartori Rides SRL. During this period they meet the training program agreed with the company, which complies with the achievement of the terminal capabilities required for obtaining the title of this training cycle. Students will adapt to the working hours of the company and comply with the previously agreed schedule, between the months of March and June.-Two teachers who teach in the maintenance cycle will carry two mobilities of five days in order to meet other work processes and other models of organization of production, exchange experiences and information with professionals in this field and to get acquanted with factories of the area and expand the network of contacts for future projects.To carry out this project, it has formed a working group which includes members of the management team, guardian, representative of the Guidance Department, representatives from professional families taught in the center and coordinators of international programs.We consider it essential to promote the mobility of students from EU member states, encouraging the exchange of teachers and students with other institutions or companies.The impact of this mobility in our center revert to an improvement in the quality of education for our students to benefit from the experiences and skills acquired by teachers who made these mobilities. Moreover, the curriculum of the training course Electromechanical Maintenance uploading text that will be worked on during the training stay will be developed.This experience will be shared with all students of Vocational Training in the School, and this will increase the number of students who wish to participate in mobility in the future will be expanded and diversified in terms of professional families, providing opportunities for personal enrichment and further internationalization to provide them with the necessary tools to deal with the search for their first job successfully.Our center has level III Educational Quality granted by the Ministry of Education of the Region annually implemented improvement processes that the annual institutional appraisal requires us. It will be established within the mapping process of the Institute, a process relating to the evaluation of the mobility project.



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