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Nowe zagrożenie - nowe wyzwania
Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

For a long time, we have seen a new threat, which affects young people – addiction to phones, dependence on mobile phones. Everywhere young people are focused on the cells, they do not see what all around, staring in your mobile device. Life moves to a different reality. They recognize the problem of dependence on mobile young people, we can see what is the scale of the problem and we want to trigger a discussion on the problem od addiction to phones and hazards associated with it. We want to start a dialogue with experts and decision-makers showing the enormity of the problem and seek to find solutions that will help realize the youth and the environment which are the consequences of addiction cell. We want to develop ways to prevent, diagnose and eliminate phone addiction and have your voice in solving this problem. As many as 36% of young people can not imagine life without a phone. Availability of phones, more and more new functions lead to abuse of the cells, to the growing need to use a phone and replacing the real life by the use of the phone, at the expense of social, mental and physical health.The project will process the following actions:1. We will create a website design and profile on FB2. in cooperation with experts we will work out a professional test examining the level of dependence on the phone (questionnaire) needed for research.3. we will conduct internet research on-line and directly addressed to young people aged 15-30 on phone addiction on a group of a total of 800 people, the results will be compiled and published on the website and in the course of events.4. we will organize the media debate inaugurating the project and talking about the problem with experts. We will discuss the test results. We will Invite the media, journalists, our representatives and we will prepare a plan for debate.5. We will organize five workshops for youth, youth workers, educators, caregivers, with the participation of experts and policy makers, on which we will work out the tools to reduce the phenomenon of phone addiction - develop a Code of telephone etiquette, diagnosis of addiction (brochure for young people and parents / guardians - 2 versions), the rules of behavior in public places.6.we will conduct a two debates on phone addiction, involving young people, experts and decision-makers, which will present the tools developed and discuss the possibility of their implementation in different areas - school, family, public places7. we will organize three happenings in the Lodz region, which will be attended by young participants, representatives of the experts, the street actors, there will be quizzes, competitions, participants will be given small gadgets - lanyards with amusing slogans or cellular accessories .8.we will organize a conference at the end of the project, with the participation of decision-makers, youth, media, carers, youth workers, summing up the project and events in the project and results. We will present research results, developed tools and publications.9. We will develop and print brochures - how to recognize phone addiction, what it is, how to prevent - containing test, signs, symptoms, etc.. Two versions - for youth and caregivers, printed and published on the web.10.We will prepare the Code of telephone etiquette - developed at workshops tool containing principles phone use and behavior of "telephone." Youth together with decision-makers and experts will work out an optimal, "healthy" rules of telephone etiquette.

