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Novel diagnostic bio-assays based on magnetic particles (BIOMAX)
Date du début: 1 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Nanotechnology-based in-vitro diagnostics is set to solve several important problems in global healthcare. R&D in this field requires collaborations between experts from different scientific disciplines with a strong focus on the integration of bio-, nano- and microtechnologies. However, such personnel is still scarce. This BioMaX training-through-research network responds to the need for skilled personnel able to combine bio-assay knowledge with novel integrated device technologies. The general objective of the BioMaX network is to train the next generation of biomolecular researchers in industry and academia by establishing a pan-European network that aims at improving the career perspectives of young potentials and putting Europe at the R&D frontline in integrated diagnostics. To realize this objective a top-level consortium, consisting of 6 academic and 4 industrial partners, will establish an innovative S&T and training program. The network will investigate novel diagnostic bio-assay technologies for proteins and nucleic acids based on magnetic particles (MPs), with demonstration of breakthroughs in analytical performance and device integration. The program is built on three scientific pillars: molecular bio-assay strategies, biomolecular kinetics, and integrated bio-assay devices. The training and exchange program addresses both academic expertise and complementary skills tailored to the individual needs of the fellows. Fellows will be offered local training at doctoral schools and network-wide training through summer schools, workshops, conferences, and secondments. With the creation of this leadership network on novel biological assays, BioMaX assists the EC in reaching their objectives in the area of mobility and training of researchers and the realization of a powerful European Research Area with joint research priorities and a world class infrastructure capable of attracting a critical mass of human and financial resources.



6 Participants partenaires