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Noorte Varivalimised 2013
Date du début: 1 août 2013,

Youth shadow elections 2013 is of a nationwide project. The purpose of the 'youth shadow elections' is to raise awareness about elections and political participation among young people from the age of 13 to 20. Not yet old enough for real elections, nevertheless, already having their opinions, they (from the age 13-17) will be given the opportunity to express it in october 2013. The elections are organized by Estonian National Youth Council and will be held in very similar way to the real ones with the same candidates from the same lists of parties. To stay neutral, the results will not be made public before the real local elections will close their voting. However, the stress is not only on selecting the political winners but raising attention and bringing the youth to the election spots and to the pre-actions of the project culmination, to make them think about the role of politics in the society and their importance as a citizen in that process. Most important pre-actions are debates in schools; panel discussions; simulation games; essay and photo competition; youthful "shadow elections school" in Internet about politics, political systems and risks, campaign analysis, participation options etc. We are also planning to conduct a nationwide survey in collaboration with Tallinn University Institute of Political Science and Governance about youth voting behavior and social activity. Our biggest partners in this project are Estonian School Student Councils' Union, Tallinn University: Institute of Political Science and Governance and Student Council Civitas of Institute of Political Science and Governance. We are also cooperating with Association of Estonian Mother Tongue Teachers, Association of History- and Society Teachers etc.



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