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Noise Abatement Demonstrative and Innovative Actions and information to the public (NADIA)
Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Background It is estimated that some 20% of the EU population suffers from elevated noise levels. Noise disturbance in most urban areas exceed limits and guide values by a wide margin. Studies carried out in the Netherlands for example, show that subjective nuisance from noise is increasing in urban areas, and that the number of people reported to be “highly disturbed” by noise while they try to sleep is also rising. Despite this, the problem is not currently being adequately addressed by public authorities. Furthermore, noise emission is strongly related to CO2 emissions - solutions can be integrated to mitigate both problems. Objectives The project’s main aim is to demonstrate the technical and economical feasibility and effectiveness of best practices for reducing road traffic noise levels (and in some cases, also reducing CO2 emissions and energy use). This would be achieved by the integration of noise mapping and planning activities, the use of innovative techniques (such as noise barriers, windows, and the resurfacing of roads), traffic management and education. The project will also aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of the involvement of stakeholders, combined with a clear communication plan, to increase public awareness of traffic noise and its negative impacts. An integrated model based on NMPB (GPS-based speed collection method for road traffic noise mapping) will be created. This will take into account the population distribution, meteorological data and natural features to enable effective noise monitoring and assessment. Expected results: The implementation of a “survey report”, collecting data on noise level, traffic flows, population distribution and meteorological conditions for the project areas; The development of the NMPB model and related user manual, along with the completion of the noise maps for the project areas; and The implementation of four action plans – one for each local body - involving a minimum of 20 stakeholders each.


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