Rechercher des projets européens

New Aspects
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The primary objectives of this Project are to support the young who comes from different ethnic origins,religions and languages and to show them work with different people. In this sense, it is aimed to develop an indulgent attitude of young people towards different people and cultures in the project. Another aim of the Project is also awareness of environmentally sensitive development of young people. In particular, among the main objectives are to develop young people' experiences against discrimination .The coexistence of young people from different countries and cultures, adoption of common humanitarian values and development are seen extremely important. In this Project will have 14 partners from 7 countries (Turkey, Romania, Belgium, Montenegro, Hungary, Italy, Portugal). At the different time, 30 volunteers will be sent to the host organization for 8 activities as in pairs. Each group will stay approx. 12 months in the host country. Only Italy flows has 9 months. Each host country is to conduct activities in various fields among these youth activities, minorities, sports, environment, rural development, media - communication and European activities mainly aimed to raise Europeanness awareness. All flow and activities in the project will take place between 01.09.2015-31.08.2017.



12 Participants partenaires