Rechercher des projets européens

Νέο Σχολείο: Ενίσχυση της διεθνούς και ευρωπαϊκής του διάστασης και του αντισταθμιστικού-υποστηρικτικού του ρόλου για τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας της σχολικής εκπαίδευσης
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Primary School of Ancient Olympia is an educational unit with Unified Restated Education Program. We have participated in a Comenius project (2013-2015) and we have maintained contact with the partner schools. Through the eTwinning platform we sought and found new partners for the Erasmus + KA2. At the same time we are involved in other projects with a European or international dimension.Driven by these actions we seek continuous training with ultimate goals:a) the professional development of the staff of our organization on issues related to planning, management and financing of European programs,b) the training of our school staff in pedagogical methods and practices related to inclusive education for the integration of all students in school activities and to improve the quality of education.The mobility plan will involve 7 members from the teaching staff through a transparent and fair process. The teachers have experience both in European programs and in issues related to inclusive education. They wish to receive training for professional development and to promote our organization's ideals for a school open to society where everyone has the right to education.The first mobility is about the seminar on inclusive education and will be held in Finland. The seminar is experiential as trainees will visit schools and will see how inclusive education works in practice in this country. The second mobility, which will be held in Spain, relates to the design, management and financing of European programs. The choice of the seminar was done with the aim to strengthen the European and international dimension of our school and expand our network of partnerships. The learning results of trainees are defined in the level of knowledge, skills and abilities always taking into consideration the interests of the students and of our organization.Regarding the implementation of the project on a practical level, issues regarding the covering of the working hours of the teachers and their pre-registration in the seminars of the course providers have been arranged. Also, the trainees will undertake issuing a European insurance card. In terms of quality and administrative management of the project there will be an agreement with both the bodies of the training programs and the participants in them to ensure the learning outcomes.This project is expected to boost the internationalization of the school and improve the quality of education provided to students. This will be achieved by improving both the cooperation among the members of our school unit and among teachers and parents.The teachers who will be trained will act as permanent supply agencies for the entire teaching staff. There will be a briefing in the local press, the approved social media, blogs, and the educational website of our school. Events will also be organized at our school area for parents, education authorities and local bodies.In the long term we hope that this project:a) will enhance the prestige of our organization,b) will be the springboard for creating welcoming communities at a local and not only level by ensuring equal access to culture and education for all students regardless of their origin, background and financial situation.

