Rechercher des projets européens

Neighbours in Europe
Date du début: 18 mai 2016, Date de fin: 17 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project is an EVS action address to two volunteers, one from Slovenia and one from Croatia for 6 months.This experience will represent an opportunity to work and live abroad, improving foreign languages and soft skills which could develop the youngster at personal level and enrich the professional profile of the volunteer. The volunteer will be involved in the orienteering activities of the organization with a positive effect as well on personal self-orienteering to identify personal sthrengten and own objectives for the future.Volunteers will be aged between 19 and 25, without previous international experience regardless their level of English or educational certification as EVS experience could improve their language skills and enrich their CV providing them some competences and soft skills highly appreciated in the Job Market. Moreover, it provide them a space to get self-confidence about personal competences and abilities being involved in activities with the support of a youth worker who can show them the success of the tasks they realize within their service. Moreover this experience could give them an experience of living and working abroad which could prepare them eventually to decide to search for job in a different European country as the economical situation the youngster face nowadays often require them to move abroad.Main activities of the volunteers will be the support of the youth worker in their orienteering activities which it will be addressed to local students (from the age of 12 till university students). Methodology of work will be workshop and presentation using non formal education and peer to peer approach using interactive methods and experiential learning.The volunteers will give own contribution in particular in planning, implementing and evaluating the orienteering activities and collecting useful materials to share with their peers connected to future plan and possibilities both in the frame of educational settings both as working experiences. Moreover they will get involved in visibility and dissemination activities connected with orienteering activities using their creativity and personal style of communication.Moreover, they will attend an italian training course who will support in their integration process in the community. At local level, the volunteer will bring an intercultural influence to the local events stimulating tolerance and open-mind attitute on local volunteers, member of the association and youngster which will interact with the volunteer. Presence of EVS volunteer will show the added values of international initiatives and aspects even in local events developing the youth field contribute on the development of the European awarenees also in the local partners and stakeholder and on their active role on building the European Society stimulating the local stakeholder to work on the direction of integrating more activities at international level.This project will show the positive impact of volunteering as a useful way to self-assess own skills, attitudes and understand to help the youngster to design own future learning what they want from life.At international level it will create and strengthen intercultural bridges between different countries.



3 Participants partenaires