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Negotiating local and global requirements in biomedical research; the case of biobanking (GlobLoc Biobanks)
Date du début: 1 mars 2012, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Biobanks are large scale storages of human tissue and data that are attributed a vital role as infrastructure for large scale genetic research. Biobanks can be used optimally if exchange of materials and data would be possible; however, many biobanks are established with local interests in mind and are therefore difficult to coordinate with each other. In this project I will explore how the tension between global and local affects 1. the input of materials and data, 2. the output of research results, diagnostics, etc. and 3. the governance of biobanks through legislation, guidelines, etc. in biobanks in the US, India, Singapore and Europe. I will do this by performing an in-depth qualitative study of teh various projects, using analytical resources from the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS). Performing such an analysis will contribute to insights into the effects of globalisation on medical reseach and generate new options for policy making in this area.In this project, I will collaborate with two of the foremost scholars in STS. I will spend my outgoing phase with Professor Sheila Jasanoff at Harvard University and my return phase with Professor Wiebe Bijker at Maastricht Unviersity. Researchers at both institutiones have extensive experience in social studies of biomedical research and have adopted globalisation as an important research team.Working at these two institutions will therefore allow me to strengthen my profile in cross-national comparative research on science, technology and society and support me in becoming one of the leading figures in the emerging area of studies of globalisation in STS. Additionally, my fellowship will strengthen the ties between two outstanding research programs in STS and will contribute to prolonged collaboration in the future. Finally, my project can contribute to improved policy making on health and research in the European Union.

