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Natural History Museum Science Night (NHM NIGHT3)
Date du début: 1 mai 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2012 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"NHM NIGHTS3 will deliver the mass participation of a diverse public audience in a unique event to meet many of the Natural History Museum’s most dynamic and engaging scientists from around the world in an unprecedented festival of scientists in central London. With a rich and vibrant community of research scientist and PhD students, including research partners from around the UK many of whom are accomplished science communication practitioners the NHM is well positioned to breakdown existing public stereotypes of researchers. This project will drive home to the public the role and value of scientists and to inspire the next generation of young researchers.7,000 participants will visit the Natural History Museums in London and Tring to be greeted by over 250 scientists delivering more than 150 different engaging activities and formats alongside professional educators in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. The impact of this event on the participants will be profound, perhaps life-changing for some, and help foster a long term engagement with science."

