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NAIP: Innovation in European Higher Music Education
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This strategic partnership is based on years of collaboration of several European conservatoires where the music masters programme for New Audiences and Innovative Practice, NAIP, was developed and implemented. The partnership does also include new partners, which have in the recent years witnessed the progress of the NAIP programme and thus gained interest in its methodologies and ideology. This partnership project consists of several events over two years period aimed at further development, improvement and promoting of methodology and joint curriculum using mobility in the form of two intensive study programmes, three working groups, two joint staff training events and two periods of staff development. The core of the NAIP programme is creative collaborative learning, where mentoring and practice based research play a major role. The aim is to be a platform for professional integration, entrepreneurship, collaborative practice, cross-arts and cross-sector practice and community engagement within the domain of higher education. This is particularly relevant as the music world is increasingly in need of more variety of skillful and flexible musicians capable of relating to society and finding new roles and carriers, at the same time as traditional employment opportunities are less and less accessible. The programme calls for creative musicians who have achieved a high standard of performance and show strong potential of entrepreneurship, leadership and communication skills. This project will strengthen the foundations of developing and promoting creative collaborative learning with enhanced quality, utilizing cross border collaboration and extensive dissemination and thereby making way for greater relevance of higher music education in Europe and beyond.



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9 Participants partenaires