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Date du début: 1 janv. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016
The WP for 2016 is streamlined in 7 pillars: 1 – Statutory and project management activities: The statutory activities are composed of the annual meeting of the Board of Directors, which is the highest decision-making body gathering the network stakeholders (Act-2); the EUF Steering Committee meetings to monitor the progress of planned actions (Act-1/3/4); the Coordination meeting to plan network-wide activities (Act-5); and 3 Secretariat meetings to organise the executive activities (Act-6). In addition, 7 project management meetings are due to take place (Act-7). 2 – Capacity building activities to meet societal challenges: This pillar provides a creative and transversal space of cooperation for the members and their own stakeholders. The Higher Education Open Space (Act-8) enables participants to exchange good practices, debate on topical issues and discuss new project proposals and receive training. The project incubator and the incubation meeting (Act-9/10) help member universities to prepare new project proposals and share ideas and know-how. The inter-institutional agreement (Act-11) and CE-Certificate (Act-12) support and facilitate quality student mobility and provide a space for cooperation for projects based on learning mobility. Speak Up (Act-13) enables online language learning activities and is considered to be put at the disposal of migrants/refugees. The last activity of this pillar is a online seminar on the refugee crisis to discuss their needs/challenges (Act-15).3 – Contributing to the knowledge-based society pillar: Increasing university-business cooperation through strategic partnerships is the central goal of this pillar. Members will create guidelines for teachers on how to implement entrepreneurial approaches in subject-specific fields/courses (Act-16), develop online education resources on entrepreneurial skills and social entrepreneurship (Act-17/20), and build local cooperation hubs (Act-18/21) between universities and their regional clusters of companies/stakeholders. Further activities with a joint PhD hub and enterprise incubator are to be developed through Act-9/10.4 – Digital innovation for the modernisation of HE pillar: It aims at developing tools to modernise and streamline workflows of international relations and student service offices through testing and further developing an online platform to create and sign Learning Agreements (Act-22/23) and establishing an Erasmus Without Paper network enabling the automatic exchange of student data for credit mobility (Act-24/25/26). 5 – The policy contributions pillar will focus on disseminating and debating with HE stakeholders, policy-makers and the EU Institutions staff members the results of the Erasmus+ 1st year review launched in autumn 2015 (Act-27). The HousErasmus+ forward-looking cooperation project (Act-28/29) will investigate good practices in the housing of exchange students and look into ways of mainstreaming them. The network will launch a position paper on the European digital Higher Education Area (Act-30). 6 – Dissemination and communication activities: Organisation/attendance of network/external conferences (Act-31/32) and dissemination of results through communication channels: websites, newsletters, social media (Act-34). 7 – Quality Assurance activities: The network will carry out quality assurance activities aimed at evaluating the qualitative and quantitative impacts of its regular activities and projects (Act-35/36).
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