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Myths and beliefs about the beginning and the end ..
Myths and beliefs about the beginning and the end of the world. And beyond.
Date du début: 1 nov. 2011,
Beliefs, myths and perceptions regarding the beginning and the end of the world will be examined, studied critically by an international group of researchers and artists and will eventually revive on stage, presenting what the world’s foremost ancient civilizations used to believe. The proposed project combines cultural research, artistic exchange, co-creation and continued learning across borders. The final outcome of the project includes a combination of performing arts (Music, dance, theatre) in a series of shows that will take place in all participating countries and a documentary regarding its creation. Great focus towards implementing the project will be given at bringing together young people from across Europe, Mexico and beyond to work with professional artists, develop work with an emphasis on encouraging intercultural dialogue through a series of 3 artistic residencies. During these residencies, the artists will develop the final product, along with side workshops that will give the opportunity to young actors to learn and experiment on the main axis of the project. During the residencies, the main raw artistic material will be devised, based on research outcomes by the research team. The main performers will be selected to present the final project, which will be presented as a series of events and shows in international festivals and other major cultural organizations in all participating countries. The workshops will be partly open to the public (mainly to young actors, namely graduates or postgraduates) and will be further assisted by volunteers and technical staff at each country. Mobility, circulation of cultural products and cultural initiatives will be enhanced by a group of researchers, who will be responsible for the scientific background of the project.The whole project is under the auspices of General Secretariat for Youth of the Hellenic Republic.
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