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Multiscale poro-micromechanics of bone materials, .. (MICROBONE)
Multiscale poro-micromechanics of bone materials, with links to biology and medicine
Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,
Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015
"Modern computational engineering science allows for reliable design of the most breathtaking high-rise buildings, but it has hardly entered the fracture risk assessment of biological structures like bones. Is it only an engineering scientist's dream to decipher mathematically the origins and the evolution of the astonishingly varying mechanical properties of hierarchical biological materials? Not quite: By means of micromechanical theories, we could recently show in a quantitative fashion how ""universal"" elementary building blocks (being independent of tissue type, species, age, or anatomical location) govern the elastic properties of bone materials across the entire vertebrate kingdom, from the super-molecular to the centimetre scale. Now is the time to drive forward these developments beyond elasticity, striving for scientific breakthroughs in multiscale bone strength. Through novel, experimentally validated micromechanical theories, we will aim at predicting tissue-specific inelasticproperties of bone materials, from the ""universal"" mechanical properties of the nanoscaled elementary components (hydroxyapatite, collagen, water), their tissue-specific dosages, and the ""universal"" organizational patterns they build up. Moreover, we will extend cell population models of contemporary systems biology, towards biomineralization kinetics,inorder to quantify evolutions of bone mass and composition in living organisms. When using these evolutions as input for the aforementioned micromechanics models, the latter will predict the mechanical implications of biological processes. This will open unprecedented avenues in bone disease therapies, including patient-specific bone fracture risk assessment relying on micromechanics-based Finite Element analyses."
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