Rechercher des projets européens

Multimedialna klasa
Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Nine teachers and the authorities of Gustaw Morcinek Junior High School in Lędziny will take part in two-year project entitled ‘Digital class’. Participants, after language, culture and content-related preparations, will take up ‘Digital class – creativity in teaching and learning with the usage of ICT' course which will enable them to implement ICT tools on various school subjects. The main goal of the project is to get to know the innovative ICT tools enhancing teaching and learning, implementing them in school practice and motivating other teachers to use ICT not only in order to raise the quality of education and evaluation but also to enhance the importance of our school in local neighbourhood. As a result of changing reality and technological development the participants of the course who are experienced teachers are planning to change their forms and methods of teaching. They want to tighten the cooperation of teachers not only on school but also on neighbourhood level. Their desire is to contribute to create a chain of European schools by establishing international contacts and undertaking joint initiatives on behalf of the European added value. Seven-day training includes learning about new ICT tools and workshops relating to taking advantage of gained knowledge and resources to create a digital classroom and motivate pupils to learn. Participants of the course will have a chance to exchange their experience on the international basis, establish new contacts and familiarize with European educational systems. Our intention is to popularize the project through organizing workshops and trainings for our teachers but also for those who work in other schools in our town, county and voivodeship. Furthermore, it is intended to conduct model lessons for teachers and parents and create project website containing training materials, database of good practices and description of tools and their usage in certain situations. Project participants are going to share their experience with schools in partner countries under the aegis of eTwinning platform which will enable them to undertake international collaboration in projects. Project control and evaluation will be focused on long-term project benefits, gradual and systematical implementing ICT tools by teachers from partner countries as well as adjusting computing facilities and equipment in order to improve work organization. Final objective is the motivation to establish international collaboration through eTwinning platform and future projects.

