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European Projects
Multilingua Keelekeskuse kaasaegse õpetaja projekt
Multilingua Keelekeskuse kaasaegse õpetaja projekt
Date du début: 1 déc. 2015,
Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016
In the past decade, the demands of the labour market have been marked by considerable changes and, similarly, good work-related foreign language skills are no longer considered necessary merely for entrepreneurs or top executives but (according to job ads) good and culturally sensitive foreign language skills are expected also from bakers and cleaning service providers. This is what we have sensed in our daily work at Multilingua Language Centre when attempting to meet the demands of the complex needs of the Estonian labour market. An adult learner who has acknowledged his learning needs and goals expects qualitative and contemporary instruction that also takes into account his individual learning style. Thus, we have included teachers of various languages into our teacher-training project and selected courses in keeping with the above-mentioned needs. The aim of the project is to ensure the innovativeness of our instruction, the use of modern technology in high-quality language instruction and thus also promote the concept of and need for lifelong learning in Estonia in general.
Based on the analysis of their present work and the feedback given by the learners, our teachers have drawn up a list of their needs for further development. In the light of the school's long-term goals and our client segments, common denominators were determined and those teachers selected who have expressed their readiness for further development, the conduct of in-house training, the establishment of direct international contacts and thus also for their contribution to the strive for the language school's long-term goals.
Altogether 5 experienced trainers will be included in the staff mobility project, all of them having extensive know-how in teaching open courses, conducting individual instruction and also in preparing and conducting custom-made training courses for corporate customers. They have, thus, had the opportunity for reflecting on their teaching experience and determining the key problems and needs for improvement in the given areas. Similarly, they have been involved in conducting in-house training for their colleagues and they have expressed their will to contribute to that also in the future. The participants include teachers of Estonian (as a foreign language), English and German, thus enabling a more complex and multidimensional reflection and dissemination across languages.
The project has been divided into three stages:
a) the preparatory activities are conducted in spring 2015 (pre-registration, preliminary seminars, travel arrangements);
b) the training courses take place in summer 2015;
c) autumn and winter are reserved for workshops and seminars for disseminating the information to colleagues, the implementation of the skills and knowledge in our daily work and also the preparation of potential cooperation projects with international partners.
Multilingua Keelekeskus OÜ shall be responsible for the administrative work and arrangements, for instance, the communication with the schools, registration and travel arrangements, bank transfers etc. Similarly, Multilingua shall make the arrangements for the seminars and workshops before and after the training courses, compile and disseminate the study aids to other teachers, and prepare the informative materials for potential foreign partners.
As a result of the project, the following skills and knowledge shall be acquired and improved:
ICT skills in foreign language instruction
Skills and knowledge in work-related language instruction
Skills and knowledge in devising adequate needs-based tests and assessment means
Skills and knowledge in the models and trends in contemporary foreign language instruction
Intercultural awareness
The enhancement of syllabi and study aids, the development of special courses and cooperation projects.
Similarly, we hope to disseminate the skills and knowledge to the teachers of other Estonian educational institutions either by means of seminars or our website (blog). By establishing direct contacts, we hope to establish a firm basis for future international cooperation projects promoting the European dimension and the principles of lifelong learning.
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