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Multiculture Youth for Multiplicate a Process
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

In our project called MY MAP (Multiculture Youth for Multiplicate a Process) we would like to host four volunteers for 10 months form Germany, France, Romania and Lithuania. The volunteers will be involved in our youth projects (Tree of Ideas – Together for Disadvantaged Young People Living in Colonies, Mentoring Program for Integration). The target groups of the project are young people with social disadvantages and migrant background (third-country citizens).The goal of the project is to involve the members of the target group (supported by the volunteers) in innovative activities from the planning part across implementing to evaluation, which will help their creativity and entrepreneurship. In the beginning, our volunteers will get to know our association, the young people reached by us, the methods we use and the situation of marginal groups in Hungary. After this they will work together on everyday tasks (guidance, community organising, workshops, school preparing, democracy education, community gardening, etc.) with young people with social disadvantages at the Tree of Ideas and with migrant ones at Szeged. According to the interest and competences, the volunteers can decide with which target group they would like to work more intensively. Activities will be implemented together with our target group and are based on their ideas, however these are extended beyond the scope of the community space and involve a wider group of young people and serve the local community as well. The volunteers will have the opportunity to implement their own mini-projects. They will also administrate their activities and the results; their EVS blog ensures that these will be widely available. Both on a short and long term, the young people will be more initiative and - as the title of our project shows – they will be able to find the ways on their own map and life which will lead them to implement their ideas. The European and intercultural dimension will get closer to them. The presence of the volunteers can motivate them to use the European mobility opportunities in a long term. Furthermore the volunteers are entrants or unemployed youngsters who would like to work in the civil or social sphere, so another important goal of the project that these young people will get measureable and evaluable experience which will increase their chances to be employed later on. Methods of non-formal education are used during the training and preparation of the volunteers and during the activities with young people as well. Both our project partners, the employees of our association and the mentors of the volunteers have relevant experience doing youth work on national and international level (group leaders, trainers, organising youth exchanges, volunteering, studying abroad) and implementing and coordinating international projects as well.



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