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Mozaika aktivit zdravého životního stylu
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015
Organization SVČ Mozaika is fro the first time involved in the Erasmus + . The project was created for a volunteer who will spend in our organization 12 months.
Its aim is with a help of our volunteer from other country to inform our clients about the positive effect of free time activities on their health, to intrduce the culture of other country and also to propagate the existence and the possibilities of Erasmus + .
We are currently in contact with a volunteer from Russia who is very interested in the project . She would also like to implement Rusian folk club through which she wants through discussions , slide shows or workshops introduce Russian culture , mentality , interesting places and traditional products .
Volunteers will be part of our organization work team and will assist trainers in conducting school activities, courses or summer camps. The benefits of the presence of a person from a foreign country we find especially in the possibility of breaking the language barrier while fighting against xenophobia and racism. The current fierce political situation between Ukraine and Russia and media massage leaves the people in the Czech Republic with contradictory feelings. We believe that the opportunity to meet a young active person from Russia will help to better understand the Russian mentality and attitudes of the local population.
From the project , we expect to gain new experiences of cooperation at the international level and we also see great benefit of the project for a small town Polička that would historically host its first volunteer.
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