Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Although large research activity has been done in Europe on Intelligent Transport Systems and Information and Communication Technologies to make people able to travel by integrating different transport modes, personal integrated mobility is still far from becoming a reality in the so-called smart-cities and people still prefer driving their private cars without questioning the energy expense and the environmental impact that this decision involves.MoveUs radically changes the European users' mobility habits by offering intelligent and personalized travel information services, helping people to decide the best transport choice and providing meaningful feedback on the energy efficiency savings obtained as a result.Information from a wide variety of transport modes and mobility systems such as public buses, car/bike sharing systems, traffic management systems, equipped vehicles to measure traffic density, and users' mobile phones will be integrated and processed in an innovative and high-capacity computing platform. The MoveUs platform will allow: i) to measuring "the pulse of urban mobility" from a global perspective; 2) to obtain valuable information on how the traffic density evolves and how the public transport is used; 3) to learn how individual users can move along the city in a more eco-friendly way.On top of the platform, a set of smart mobility services will be deployed focusing directly on users, such as travel recommendations, in-advance traffic information, incident warning, eco-routing and carbon footprint metering, among others, offered through smartphone-based applications. These services will be supported by an effective incentive-based model targeted to foster the use of shared and public transport. Coupons, rewards and special offers will be offered in return for the adoption of sustainable mobility habits.The platform and the services will be tested in three smart-city pilots placed in Madrid, Tampere and Genoa. Gathered in Living Lab communities, representatives from the cities will be deeply engaged in the project: city councils, transport/mobility operators, citizens and local technology partners. This will ensure a broad and effective user engagement for suggesting real and sustainable user-driven business cases.MoveUs will deliver:1.\ta cloud-based mobility management platform with high-performance data analytics capabilities;2.\tan API toolkit, granting data access to developers;3.\tinnovative user-centric services with an effective incentive-based model, rewarding the use of sustainable mobility modes;4.\tfully integrated smart mobility applications, running on users' smartphones (mobility assistant) and at control centres (mobility management);5.\tenergy efficiency assessment tools to measure users' energy efficiency gains.MoveUs will facilitate the take-up of ICT-based mobility services proving significant energy efficiency gains in smarter and greener cities.



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