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Move the World
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project will be developed in Peniche, Portugal and is lasting for 7 days, from 21st until 29th of March 2015. The Youth Exchange will be based on non-formal education, our aims will be to bring together youngsters from different countries: Croatia, Italy, Portugal Slovakia and Spain. We expect that these youngsters will learn from each other through different dynamics and outdoor activities, as well as through the discussions and ideas that they explore during the exchange. These will help them gain teamwork skills and decrease language barriers. All the organisations involved in this project work with youngsters with fewer opportunities. We expect to achieve the follow objectives:  Sharing experiences between the participants about development in their context;  TDiscussing/reflecting about the topic of the development in Europe;  Sensitizing the participants to the importance of the youth participation in the development;  Promoting the non-formal education as a way to integrate people from different nationalities in one group; The choice of this theme - Development - is because next year is the European year for the development and we can work the topic under different fields: cultural, social, environmental, etc... Working together in a multicultural environment can develop better ideas and motivation from the youngsters. We expect that the youngsters can understand better the development in their contexts and the importance of it for them and their society. We think that with the sharing of their own realities and knowledge of new ones, in an international context, it opens their minds for the building of a Europe with differences but with the same aims and values. We expect to involve youngsters with less opportunities. it is a chance for them to grow and learn more about the participants countries and work social and personal competences through the group dynamics, games, workshops, visits, etc... By participating in this kind of projects the youngsters can get more information and be involved in others projects under the Erasmus +.



4 Participants partenaires