Rechercher des projets européens

Mov'imento: mobilité spatiale pour une réussite sociale
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The fight against school dropout is a key challenge for the Provence Alpes - Côte d'Azur Region and the Aix- Marseille Academy that signed a Youth Pact in Provence- Alpes- Côte d'Azur on January 24, 2014. This Pact establishes the school dropout prevention and international mobility as major challenges for the years to come. These institutions have developed many experiments on the issue of prevention using international mobility as a tool for social mobility and socio- professional integration of young people.Since figures for absenteeism and dropout are the highest in vocational high schools, the DAREIC, GIP FICP Academic and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region decided to support 10 schools of the Academy - classified ZEP, REP or geographically isolated - in the implementation of work experiences in Europe for 96 students in Bac Professionnel who represent a socio-culturally disadvantaged population, with little or no opportunity for mobility. The sectors concerned are: Management / Administration, Commerce, Customer and Users Relationship and Welcoming, Fashion Trades, Signage Trades, Industrial Equipment Maintenance, Carpenter Fitters Technician, Electro technology, Electronics, Transportation Operations and Logistics.Many young people regained their self- confidence when they were active and involved in a collective project. By overcoming fears and prejudices, learning mobility and developing the consciousness of a world facing Europe allowed these young people to integrate more easily, to consider post-secondary studies, to improve their school performance, their skills by upgrading the image of vocational education, professional career and self-esteem, which improve their educational investment, reduce absenteeism and prevent school dropout.The objective of this project was to provide these young people with the opportunity to experiment mobility for a better employability. This was achieved through the dissemination of information, personalized pre-departure coaching and by making the most of gained experience. Pupils used European certificates (Europass CV,) and received a Europass Mobility.Along with the preparation by teachers, reinforced support was offered by using specialized structures in supporting the mobility of young people having fewer opportunities through non-formal education methods. When they came back to France, young people worked on the transmission of experience and enhancement of the project within the school with 1st year pupils to act as multipliers of European mobility by blowing the desire and motivation to their peers.GIP FCIP, the project initiator facilitated administrative and financial procedures in partnership with schools financial management services. The DAREIC coordinated all the preparation, implementation and enhancement of mobility activities of each school working together with the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region that participated in the monitoring of the themes related to school dropout prevention and to formal and non formal education as well as to the promotion of the project. The consortium of 10 schools facilitated mobility activities and provided added value in terms of quality due to the pooling of expertise, sharing best practices and common synergy.The GIP-FCIP, DAREIC and Region worked as a steering committee that evaluated and measured the impact of the project thanks to very specific indicators that show:1. Improved language skills for participants2. Better results at the Bac Professionnel3. Increased enrollment and acceptance of participants in BTS or at the university4. Acquisition of new professional practices5. Better employability.6. Acquisition of greater motivation and development of citizenship7. Undeniable improvement of the image of vocational schools8. Harmonization of practices, use of European and national tools (Europro Mention, Optional Mobility Credits) by a larger number of students in the Academy.9. Increase in mobility in the Academy10. Involvement of foreign companies in the European mobility programs which means long-term partnerships.The challenge was to build an education shared between the National Education services, the voluntary sector and local authorities in order to facilitate the transition from school success to professional and social success through the enhancement of learning outcomes acquired during an international mobility.



10 Participants partenaires