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motion of Natural Stone Industry in the Northern Areas - PNASTINA (PNASTINA)
Date du début: 31 juil. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Many Northern areas are rich in natural stone resources and they have been identified as being increasingly important as a potential source of special natural stone types. Natural stone, as a local resource, provides opportunities for long lasting industrial activity and employment for the local work force. However, the overall development of this sector of industry requires an assessment of material resources, which are usable in a sustainable way, and to link this to common networking, proper public management of the resources and an emphasis on the possibilities of regional infrastructure and co-operation. It is also important to highlight areas of synergy and co-operation across borders, e.g. production and transportation in Northern areas. The Pnastina projects central aim is regional development of operational environments for small and medium size natural stone enterprises through demonstrated environmentally and economically sustainable practices, using quality natural stone resources and geological exploration. The project will develop a transferable regional business development and resource management concept to increase local entrepreneurship for transferring best practice, know-how and regional cross-border cooperation throughout the Northern Periphery area. Expected Results: • New natural stone deposits to benefit industry• Database of natural stone resources in the project area to help companies develop their operations and authorities in planning land use. This database can later be connected to other databases covering mineral resources.• Practical cooperation within the region between enterprises, public authorities and project partners• Enterprise network of the project area connected with the local business development organisations and educational institutions• Employment and new entrepreneurship based on good quality stone resources and lifted quality grade stone products• Enhanced total use (including waste rock) through new product innovations and improved resource exploitation planning• Network between enterprises, research organisations and educational institutions to exchange know-how and ideas on the development of a natural stone sector in the conditions of northern areas. Best practises and knowledge of the sustainable use of stone resources and procedures of enterprise development emphasised are especially emphasised.



  • 52.9%   523 114,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Northern Periphery
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

3 Participants partenaires