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mote measures to collect ship-generated waste (Promote measures to ..)
mote measures to collect ship-generated waste
(Promote measures to collect ship-generated waste)
Date du début: 31 déc. 2010,
Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015
Enhanced application of HELCOMs no special-fee system for port reception facilities especially for oily wastes from machinery spaces, sewage and rubbish. It is important that the main ports implement a uniform and transparent approach. Furthermore, the availability of port reception facilities in the Baltic Sea ports should be further enhanced covering the delivery of all wastes, including sewage. The HELCOM member states have agreed to a Roadmap for the upgrading of port reception facilities for sewage in passenger ports in the Baltic Sea area. This Roadmap should be implemented as soon as possible, preferably by 2013, and at the latest by 2015. Achievements: The Baltic Sea already has a mandatory delivery and no special fee system for reception in ports of waste from vessels based on HELCOM Conventions and Recommendations. These require functional port reception facilities targeting especially oily wastes from engine rooms, sewage and garbage. The designation of the Baltic Sea as a Special Area for sewage under MARPOL Annex IV in 2011 requires further upgrades ofport reception facilities for sewage by 2015. The HELCOM Member States have agreed to a Roadmap indicating the necessary upgrades to priority passenger ports to ensure adequacy of reception facilities. An ongoing dialogue with ports, the shipping industry and wastewater treatment plants aims for a common understanding of the technical and operational aspects of sewage delivery to port reception facilities.On-going workHELCOM Moscow Ministerial Meeting adopted Roadmap for upgrading port reception facilities for sewage in passenger ports in the Baltic Sea Area.Road map is to be implemented by 2015 at the latest. A Cooperation Platform on PRF in the Baltic Sea, with specific ToR, has been established to facilitate the implementation of the Roadmap, involving national administrations, passenger ports, and passenger shipping industry, and water and wastewater utilities. Recommendations. These require functional port reception facilities targeting especially oily wastes from engine rooms, sewage and garbage. The designation of the Baltic Sea as a Special Area for sewage under MARPOL Annex IV in 2011 requires further upgrades ofport reception facilities for sewage by 2015. The HELCOM Member States have agreed to a Roadmap indicating the necessary upgrades to priority passenger ports to ensure adequacy of reception facilities. An ongoing dialogue with ports, the shipping industry and wastewater treatment plants aims for a common understanding of the technical and operational aspects of sewage delivery to port reception facilities.
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