Rechercher des projets européens

Mobilité et Ouverture Vers l'Europe
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Developing international actions and reinforcing the learning of a foreign language are priorities of our vocational school. Our students are not fully aware of what the European Union is and they do not consider themselves as European citizens. We must play a part in making them aware of this reality. They will take advantage of this opening onto Europe to improve their language skills and open their mind to other cultures. This will give them the opportunity to participate in a mobility program. Since September 2014 a European section has been created in our school for the students preparing a diploma to become receptionists. The students are attending non-linguistic courses in English, they have the possibility to further their English language with a dedicated English course and are supposed to participate in a learning mobility program thanks to the ErasmusPlus Project. There is a need to reinforce the teachers' skills on a linguistic, cultural and educational field, in order to enlarge the opportunity of a mobility to a larger number of pupils. Three teachers have taken part in the mobility program: two teachers in charge of the non linguistic subjects taught in English (the Economy and Management teacher and the Physcial Education teacher) and the English teacher. Their aim was to to develop their professional skills in order to foster inter-culturality, promote an effective European citizenship and develop international learning mobility programs. The international approach and openness is an attractive feature for our training offer. An educational project which links three subjects (vocational courses, Physical Education and English) and consist in the creation of virtual company (a golf club), allows to work on both professional skills and cultural openness. These are fundamental keys to improve our students' professional and personal development.

