Rechercher des projets européens

Mobilisierung des Personals zur Einführung des Bilingualen Unterrichts zur Internationalisierung
Date du début: 18 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 17 juil. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our school is planning to test the bilingual teaching. Since this is a pilot project, at first only one teacher is sent to the CLIL training programme in England in order to learn the methodical and didactic principles of this form of teaching. The participant has very good knowledge of English and gained insight into bilingual teaching by shadowing. Upon her return in the new school year a project group, which is engaged in the organization and implementation of bilingual lessons at selected study groups, will be established. The teacher that has been trained within the programme in England acts as coordinator of the project within the resident school in Germany and informs her colleagues in the project group about her studies. Furthermore an international online exchange within the eTwinning platform is to take place during the project. The aim of the project is to offer a wider range of opportunities to the students and to apply the English language and thus to improve their language skills. Similarly the improved qualification of the teachers is sought: Firstly in technical matters and on the other hand, in social and intercultural experiences that are made within a longer training abroad, which are also reflected in school life. Questionnaires by the students and teachers are planned to evaluate the project. In addition, the contents, experiences and results of the project are addressed within a school's training and made available for the whole college. We expect long-term integration of the bilingual teaching in our school-based curriculum. To achieve a sustainable programme we plan to sent more teachers to the international training in subsequent years.

