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In recent years, members within ĊAMYouths have been having discussions over the seemingly generational gap there is between the oldest members and the new younger members that join ĊAMYouths on a yearly basis. This made us reflect on what bigger a generational gap there is between the young people and the senior citizens within our society. It also made us think of what we will be doing when we as young people will reach retirement age and on the misconceptions that the two generations have on one another. Thus, with all these issues in mind and seizing the opportunity presented by the EU in proclaiming 2012 as the year of active ageing and intergerenational solidarity, the young people have decided to apply for this project with the title of 'Mind the Gap'. Over eight months, forty young people have made contact with senior citizens and they have set up equips to carry out the main activity, an exhibition and an evaluation. This ensured participation of young people throughout the project. Through non-formal methods of education, the young people have acquired skills about project and time management, team-building, leadership and presentation skills, which skills contributed towards their personal development. Through the contact with senior citizens and the main activity the project ensured intergenerational solidarity and also explored what is active ageing especially through the workshops the senior citizens have carried out for the young people. In turn, the young people also carried out workshops for the senior citizens. These workshops helped to undermine misconceptions young people have on senior citizens and vice-versa. The workshops delivered during the main activity were all based on non-formal methods of education and focused on the transfer of knowledge from one generation to the other.In the application it was stated that preparations for dissemination will start in the same month of the main activity. However, whilst carrying out the project it was decided that it is a good idea if we held a mid-term evaluation just after the main activity and move the preparations for the addition dissemination to October. The evaluation enabled us to go over the first phases of the project and prepare for its final phases. As a result the exhibition could not take place in October but it has been moved to the beginning of December. The exhibition was moved not only because we needed ample time to prepare for it but we also held that it would be best if we first disseminated the information on the website and then held the exhibition.
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