Rechercher des projets européens

Metodología AICLE aplicada a la diversidad
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The aim of our project is the internationalisation of our school in order to get CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) teaching training and the improvement of L2. Thus, we want to contribute to forming a European awareness in our educational community so that the educational area extends to other countries as well as ours. For the internationalisation, acquisition and improvement of the language skills both for teachers and students it is required that two teachers in the Bilingual Programme take part in two different CLIL courses which include these targets. In our view, two different courses will provide us with miscellaneous educational training. These teachers will show the Educational Community the results of their learning process for the majority of teachers and students to benefit from the new competences acquired. The impact of the new methodology applied will be focused to educational diversity in order to improve the performance/efficiency of students with learning problems. This will make their integration more effective. Short and medium-term benefits resulting from this process will be that students with socioeconomic and cultural problems get motivated and have the same opportunities as the rest of our students. In the long term, we want to contact some different teachers from different countries in order to coordinate and/or become members of future Erasmus+ KA2 projects or strategic partnerships in which both students and teachers from our school will take part, and so achieve our main objectives which are international awareness, improvement of L2 and acquisition of new teaching training to make integration easier. Assessment and continuous check of the whole process will be done by a commission created with that purpose. The outcome of the learning techniques and CLIL methodologies will be adopted by our school and practiced through the curriculum of the different Departments. The new techniques, methodology and learning skills will be shared by the whole educational community to improve our teaching practice and the learning process.

