Rechercher des projets européens

Metode inovative pentru diriginţi - o "altfel" de abordare a activităţilor extraşcolare/extracurriculare
Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our project aimed at offering class teachers from „Sabin Dragoi” Art High-School, Arad, the opportunity to learn about new methods and instruments, to gain knowledge and skills regarding a better planning and a more efficient organisation of extracurricular/ extra-school activities. This type of activities is an important part of the class teachers’ work with classes they are responsible for, and they concern activities that take place monthly, periodically, or within the„ Şcoala Altfel – Sa ştii mai multe, sa fii mai bun” (Another type of school – the more you know the better you become) program. The lack of a curriculum or other materials that are relevant from this point of view, that should help teachers to plan and implement such activities, leads to the posibiliy that these activities are not suited for students’ non-formal and informal educational needs. Thus, the activities that were developed in this project have contributed to the teachers’ better knowledge and information that they were in need of, through the activities they developed within school from Spain and Portugal. These countries were especially chosen because their educational systems are similar to the Romanian one, but they are very productive and set as good practice examples at an European level. The objectives are: -To improve the quality of the extracurricular activities and also of the orientation and counselling through these activities -To acquire new competences, knowledge and abilities for a better and more efficient planning of the extracurricular activities according to the needs of the students and youngsters at the European level -To develop new partnerships among schools and/or organizations for teenagers all over Europe to be able to get used to new educational systems and the acquirement of new practices with teenagers(NGOs,clubs etc.)or to other community stakeholders that may be involved in those activities. -To get in touch with other cultures so that the linguistic competences could be improved. The participants have developed activities within schools with different profiles, as well as in NGOs that develop extracurricular activities with students. The participants took part in presentations, round tables and workshops in which they had the opportunity to gain new ways of planning and implementing such activities. The daily activities were stated in the Work program agreed upon with the partners and signed by them as well as each participant. Project partners were MEP Europrojects Granada, Spain and Amigos de Mobilidade Barcelos, Portugal. They had the task of identifying those schools and NGOs relevant for the learning objectives. 24 class teachers and primary school teachers have taken part in this project, divided into two mobility flows, in Spain and Portugal. The duration of the mobility was 10 days, 02-11.02.2015. Results Intangible results 1.Improvement of pedagogical competences, organisation and implementation competences for extracurricular/extra-school activities. 2.Motivation enhancement in doing such activities, as well as in one’s will to prefect oneself. 3. Perfecting team work and team spirit. 4.Gaining new competences and life skills. 5.Improvement in knowledge about the partner countries, as well as communication competences in speaking a foreign language. Tangible results: 6-Participants’ individual portfolios, which consist of documents they have elaborated during the workshops, throughout the mobility. 7. Class teacher’s Guide – elaborated by the 24 class teachers who took part in this mobility, coordinated by the project team. 8.Workshops that were held with class teachers who didn’t take part in the mobility. Long term 9. Writing of a training course curriculum, for teachers: offer of the training course and its’ approval by the Teachers’ Training Institute of Arad (CCD Arad), to be included in their training offer for teachers. Project’s impact: -Enhancement of the quality of the activities that are specific for the class teachers -Obtaining certifications meant to contribute to the completion of the personal portfolio, the class teachers thus becoming resource staff in organizing such extracurricular/extra-school activities. -Opening towards European values and promoting innovation in the development of extracurricular/extra-school activities. -Satisfying the need for constant personal and professional training -Broadening of the cultural horizon and of the perception of the European educational environment -Changes in the student-teacher-parent relationship -The development of teachers’ abilities and competences regarding the management of European projects.



2 Participants partenaires