Rechercher des projets européens

Mesleki Eğitimde Avrupa Uygulamalarını Tanıyoruz
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

In Turkey, most of the students that registered in the vocational high schools are uninterested in their vocational fields and have disciplinary issues. This creates a motivation issues for both the students and teachers in vocational high schools. However, most of the companies are searching for “professional and technical skills” from newly employed workers according to the “2014-2018 Vocational and Technical Education Strategic Plan” which prepared by National Education Ministry of Republic of Turkey. Low rates of unemployment relevant with this determination and the need for a intermediary employee vacancy. Within this respect, the vocational education and training institutions have to implement activities that will raise their staff's abilities and draw interest of their students.Our project consists of 38 teachers from Sarıyer Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Ayşe Ege Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and Küçükköy Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School have two weeks of training about their subjects in Czech Republic, Italy and Hungary.Objectives for the project are:* Getting experience about European practices, techniques and innovations by the vocational training teachers* By sharing the information and experiences from Europe with students, raising the interest and demand from the students* Getting information about the organisational structure and training materials in Europe and transfer of innovation by the participant teachers* Getting Erasmus+ project implemantation experience by the member of consortium in order to increase the institutional capacity of the schools.The project will be completed in 12 months time. Preparation, 3 mobility activities, dissemination and evaluation activities will be implemented during the project. The participants of all of the mobility activities in the project are vocational teachers from the consortium member schools. The first mobility activity that will be held in Czech Republic is for 12 teachers from food and beverage services field. Between 11.03.2017 – 26.03.2017 teachers will have training about “Innovative Cook Recipes and Presentation Techniques in Cooking” in Prvni soukromá hotelová škola.The second mobility will be held in Italy's Effe Ci Moda between 08.04.2017 – 23.04.2017. 13 Textile Technologies teacher will have training about “Using CAD Applications in Textile”. The third and final mobility will be held in Hungary. 13 Child Development and Education field teacher will have training in Barczi Gustav Ovoda about “Practices in Inclusive Education” between 13.05.2017 – 28.05.2017.In the project mobilities, teachers from the consortium member vocational high schools will have training in order to learn and use European techniques and practices in their fields. Participants will have a chance to practice new methods, to learn different theoretical approaches and to observe the techniques.With the implementation of the project, the participant teachers will have a chance to learn vocational education techniques and trasnfer to their students that practiced in Europe. With the implementation of the project, the administrative and teaching staff of the consortium member vocational high schools will have experience in project management. With this experience the staff of the consortium member schools can create and manage more complex and innovative projects.In the foreseeable future, project will help to raise the quality of the vocational education and training in the consortium member vocational high schools.



3 Participants partenaires