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"Meet the European diversity. Cultural education for all".
Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Meet the European diversity. Cultural education for all" project will be realized in the context of multicultural education, that is one of the crucial aspects in the age of globalization. Project answers the need of promoting and developing the approaches of openness and tolerance at every stage of life, from small children, youth to adult learners. This project also will support the mutual understanding among cultures and respect for diversity through direct meetings with volunteers and nonformal education. The goals of the project include:*promotion of nonformal and informal education through workshops, meetings and activities developed and organized by volunteers for children, youth and adults*to exchange experience, share approaches and opinions from different countries and ability to draw conclusions, lessons learnt and inspiration to further initatives*to actively participate in everyday life and society of the project country, realizing specific tasks as well as observing and directly being involved with local people will allow to understand better the background of the issue of cultural diversity. Nine volunteers from: Spain, Italy, Germany and France , at the age between 18 and 30, interested in the project theme, multicultural education, will take part in this project. They see the project as an opportunity to develop their competences in order to increase the possibility of quality employment in the European labour market. It is also a chance for them to acquire new international experience and possibility of personal growth. The main activity of the project is long - term EVS project, hosting nine volunteers in hosting organizations: 2 Kindergartners, Cultural Centre in the city of Zgierz and a Primary school. The activity lasts 6 months, from 1st February 2016 until 31 th July 2016. The project is based on the nonformal and informal education. The activities planned for volunteers will be in relation with the current and regular activities realized by the hosting organizations, volunteers will also have the opportunity to develop their own projects, based on their ideas. Planned results of the project include: gaining new experiences of international cooperation, supporting intercultural dialogue and understanding of cultural and European diversity. Volunteers will gain various competences and international experience. Depending on the hosting organization, volunteers will gain skills related to their tasks, including: organizational skills, by preparing and organizing workshops of their own idea, helping with organizing events, classes for children and youth, communication skills, creativity and entrepreneurship while developing projects. They will learn new language (Polish) and will get acquainted with the local culture and customs. While working in hosting organizations volunteers will learn by doing, will learn nonformal education methods and approaches and will develop their own interests and passions. The impact on the volunteers will include increased awareness on the theme of the project and awareness of themselves., increased European identity, understanding cultural differences as well as development of ability to work in multicultural team.We believe that this impact will be long - lasting and will benefit all partners, organizations, volunteers and local communities involved. views these impacts as sustainable, that will continue to benefit all involved parties well into the future.Volunteers will be able to draw from their experiences as a source of guidance and inspiration for many years to come. Bybecoming civically responsible at a young age, we expect the volunteers to internalize and display the sense ofaccomplishment they making meaningful contributions to society. In combination with the skills andexperience they will gain from this EVS project, the efficacy they develop will endure, and reflect in their future careers.



11 Participants partenaires