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Medium - completely innovative design video games.
Medium - completely innovative design video games.
Date du début: 28 mars 2013,
Date de fin: 27 sept. 2016
Medium is a game which is completely unique in the market in many aspects . The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a game with the same character on two screens at the same time - an element that, not only hasn’t been used in the games industry but, hasn’t been utilized in the audio-visual industry as a whole. The overall differentiator will also be audio- visual binding - the game will be a cinematic action-adventure . With this unique approach, the game has, from the very beginning, the ability to reach it’s target group much easier than in the standard game production .Finally Medium , which will be allocated to the new generation of consoles will be issued in collaboration with a publisher, or by the company alone ( the company has publishing contracts on any platform )and is thus able to sell the game ‘Medium’ on any platform using digital distribution. Based on the initial interest in the project, by major companies within the games industry, it should be emphasized that the company should not have any problems in finding partners for the medium.
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