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Magnetic Properties of Molecular Deposition: low-temperature MFM and nanocalorimetry of sub-monolayers of magnetic molecules (MaProMoDe)
Date du début: 4 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 3 avr. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The controlled aggregation of molecule-based materials in confined geometries has opened a new season in nanomaterials research. The present project is ultimately driven by such a fashionable contest. We propose to experimentally study submonolayers of magnetic molecules, deposited on substrates by chemical methods and dip-pen nanolithography (DPN). The ultimate goal is to detect the magnetic signal from grafted molecules, which are of interest for their potential applications in quantum information processing and magnetic microrefrigeration. We plan to use a magnetic force microscope (MFM), working in the (2.8 – 300) K temperature range and in applied magnetic fields. In addition, we will make use of highly-sensitive sub-1 K calorimeters, whose fabrication by micro- and nanolithography is an objective of the present proposal. The magnetic molecules will be directly grafted on the sensing platform of the calorimeters.The proposed activity will be conducted within the consolidated research group “MolChip”(, by making use of the outstanding scientific facilities available at theInstitute of Materials Science of Aragón (ICMA) and the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragón (INA).

