Rechercher des projets européens

Maaseutukoulu kansainväliseksi
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

How to make a school in the countryside more internationalFor our pupils and students there are very limited possibilities to have or make any international contacts in our community. The community hasn't taken any immigrants and many of the youngsters don't know any foreigners. This can be seen and heard as prejudices and racious comments on others. There is a great need to increase internationalisation at our schools and our team for the internationalisation aims at planning a policy plan for internationalisation for the schools in Hattula and also thinks about how it can be carried out at the school level. Our team's working is based on our team meetings and the planning there and getting relevant education on international subjects and matters. The team members share the opinion that courses and education of the teachers are essential in order to get the latest information and to get creative and efficient ideas and to improve the language skills of the teachers. This is very important for the teachers so that they can carry out the intercultural agenda in order to improve the intercultural competences of the students and the pupils. The team members want to improve our international cooperation between different countries and schools. They also want to make more connections worldwide. In Finnland we also have a new national curriculum which emphasizes the role of the internationalisation in our educational system which should be taken into account more and more.Some of our teachers would like to participate in a course that gives them tools to teach and discuss the issues of stereotypes, prejudices, descrimination and racism with the pupils. One of the aims is also to make the youngsters think and appreciate diversity and thus become maybe more open minded, tolerant and international. Some of our teachers then again would like to participate in a course that gives them tools and ideas to create a versatile internationalisation policy. A course to improve teachers' English skills is also in the list to be taken part in. The target of the internationalisation policy is to enable international activities among all the schools, teachers and pupils in Hattula. This makes it possible for the youngsters to know more and better about international issues already during the school career and makes it maybe easier for them to apply and study or work abroad. Internationalisation also gives motivation and enthusiasm to learn different subjects for example languages, geography, home economics, history etc... The main goal of this project is to offer the children and the youngsters a little countryside community a life long enthusiasm and intrest in foreingn cultures, international cooperation, travelling and languages.

