Rechercher des projets européens

Maakondlikud osaluskohvikud
Date du début: 2 sept. 2011,

Estonian National Youth Council (ENL) is organizing 15 Participation Cafes on the 20th of October in cooperation with 15 regional youth councils in Estonia. We are waiting around 1 500 people to discuss on topics that are important not only to young people but to the larger society. A quarter of the people attending are Members of the Parliament, Majors , teachers, youth workers and enterprises. The topics to be discussed are lowering the voting age to 16, youth participation on local level, youth health, non formal education in formal education, volunteering and youth employment. All the Cafes have also the possibility to choose another topic alongside the ones discussed on national level, a topic that is important on regional level. After the Cafes are politicians and "older people" also more familiar with youngsters opinions and are more willing to take their opinions into consideration.

