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Low power high image quality display using colour sequential display technology (GREEN)
Date du début: 24 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 23 oct. 2012 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"There is growing awareness that our hunger for energy has a large impact on the environment. A significant amount of energy is consumed by electronic devices that we use. In Europe we consume 210,000 MWh a day watching TV. In China, power consumption will increase dramatically in the future. Liquid Cristal Display (LCD) is the major display technology for the coming 10 years. Although LCDs offer many benefits, they provide a relatively poor system solution in terms of power-efficiency. Unfortunately, the LC panel efficiency is limited to 5-7%. A good solution to reduce the power consumption is to remove the colour filters and generate the colour temporally. First prototypes have shown this successfully, but they suffer from severe colour breakup artefacts. The focus of the research carried out in this proposal is to find solutions that suppress colour breakup without the need for unrealistically high refresh rates. The hosting party published some first results using a 120 Hz colour sequential system with two colour filters and two colour fields. Although the colour break-up is reduced, it remains well visible for certain important classes of images. In the literature also other methods are described that could reduce the colour breakup, but they were unsuccessful to eliminate the colour breakup. IIF candidate,Y. Zhang, will develop new algorithms that drive the backlight and the panel in such a way that the colour breakup is reduced to an acceptable level. The hosting party also has excellent facilities for perception research and video processing development and testing, and has the hardware or the facilities to build the hardware required to study and test the colour breakup phenomenon. This project offers a unique opportunity to foster and further strengthen the existing collaborations between Europe and China in the display technology area. Environmentally, the power-efficient techniques resulting from the project will lead to globally important energy savings"

