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LoG-IN: Local Goverment in Need for E-government Instruments to Realise Their Economic Policies (LoG-IN)
Date du début: 25 févr. 2004, Date de fin: 30 août 2007 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Since the completion of the project, UK and Sweden bilateral activities had been supported at the highest political level. The Swedish Minister of Environment and the UK Minister Housing and Planning has discussed the continuing cooperation to deliver sustainable homes and clean technologies. It has been indicated that UK government departments will consider funding activities for these initiatives for an additional three years. The continued funding activities are already on-going in Sweden. Equally, experiences from the project will be used to influence legislation on local and regional government levels in Sweden. Achievements: The LoG-IN project offered several unique results both in the domain of models, methodologies and e-service pilots. The transnational co-operation led to the transfer and implementation of good practices; and to 20 national and international seminars on e-services. The key project result is demonstrated by a transnational initiative, the Generic Information Infrastructure (GII). The LoG-IN GII, now communicated as, proved the feasibility of a model where 35 local governments from 3 different countries successfully can build and share one common ICT system and use it to build geodata driven online services. The transnational dimension of the GII and its size also resulted in the fact that local authorities now could work with international consortia and major ICT companies which normally do not work for local authorities. For the Generic Information Infrastructure the project received a Special Achievement in GIS Award 2007 (San Diego USA).The LoG-IN project offered several unique results both in the domain of models, methodologies and e-service pilots. The transnational co-operation led to the transfer and implementation of good practices; and to 20 national and international seminars on e-services. The key project result is demonstrated by a transnational initiative, the Generic Information Infrastructure (GII). The LoG-IN GII, now communicated as, proved the feasibility of a model where 35 local governments from 3 different countries successfully can build and share one common ICT system and use it to build geodata driven online services. The transnational dimension of the GII and its size also resulted in the fact that local authorities now could work with international consortia and major ICT companies which normally do not work for local authorities. For the Generic Information Infrastructure the project received a Special Achievement in GIS Award 2007 (San Diego USA).



  • 50%   1 227 695,00
  • 2000 - 2006 North Sea Region
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

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