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Living together and local heritage in Clermont l'Hérault
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Concordia South-East develops many different kind of volunteering - with workcamps as main activity - in order to promote intercultural meeting and an active citizenship of the participants.This EVS project has two main missions. One will focus on the highlightening of the old local heritage of the city when the second will be focused on "eco-citizenship" and "living together".Working in binomia with two civil-services, they'll have to set up a participative study on the local heritage, some public meetings, as well as many participative and democratic workshops to decide, with the local people, what kind of action have to be done to improve community and collective life in the village.They'll also have the opportunity to share and discuss about the different European mobility tools, to support the logistic in the preparation of workcamps and intercultural projects, visit the location to help camp leaders; develop, in the frame of a personal project, new tools related to intercultural issue, or to communicate differently on the values of Concordia.Two volunteers, a Scottish and an Estonian, will get invested from March 2016 for a six months service in Clermont l'Hérault.We encourage an active participation from the volunteers in order to help them in the development of new skills and tools of personnal and social development.For all the stakeholders, we hope that this project will be a great intercultural experience, and an opportunity to tackle the European Identity, making it more real. We hope that this project will allow all of us to develop a mutual understanding between cultures and we hope that it will participate to enhance transnational links and mobility of persons.



2 Participants partenaires