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Liminality & educational entrepreneurship
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Liminality & Educational Entrepreneurship (LEEN) connects the educational world to the entrepreneurial mentality. LEEN acknowledges the culture shock that entrepreneurial thinking still represents for many teachers and pupils. Therefore, to ease this transition from one mindset to another LEEN creates liminal spaces which allows participants to disconnect from old habits, think out of the box and then go back with a set of new ideas to the familiar world. These new ideas help teachers, pupils and policy-makers to design secondary schools as an entrepreneurial ecology where every teacher integrates the entrepreneurial competence in its broad sense in every subject of the curriculum. To achieve this, LEEN creates liminal teams consisting of educators, pupils and entrepreneurs. The LEEN project team for instance consists of five educators and five entrepreneurs. The educators teach either in secondary schools or in teacher training departments. The entrepreneurs are both budding as long-lasting, local or international, cultural or social entrepreneurs. The partners together create liminal spaces such as innovation camps, entrepreneurship clubs, online world cafés, liminal labs, learning snacks to allow teachers and learners to move towards an entrepreneurial mindset. The teacher training departments will compile these outputs in a course on entrepreneurship for teacher trainees and in-service courses, making sure other secondary education teachers can learn from the LEEN experience.



9 Participants partenaires