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Light the Candle of Your Bright Future (CANDLE)
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The CANDLE partnership is a joint effort of 7 organisations (3 NGOs, 1 school, 1 public body and 2 SMEs) from 6 European countries from 3 main regions of Europe (North, South-Eastern, South). The project's overall aim is to improve employment prospects of young people with intellectual disabilities. The concrete objectives of the project are:- to improve social entrepreneurial skills of 35 young people with intellectual disabilities;- to raise capacity of 14 professionals in delivering social entrepreneurship education social entrepreneurship training for young people with intellectual disabilities;- to support establishment of 7 training social enterprises of young people with intellectual disabilities.The Candle project will compile a social entrepreneurship training programme for young people with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities on the basis of good practices in the partner organisations and countries. Within the programme young people with the support of youth workers will develop ideas for social enterprises in the field of candle-making, engage in real "training" enterprises, carry out pilot production, marketing and selling activities within the learning process. All training enterprises will have the opportunity to market their products in a tailor-made international e-shop, integrated within the project website. The project's duration is 15 months and the main activities to be carried out are: youth social entrepreneurship training implementation; youth workers international trainings in the focus of the project; website and e-shop for social enterprises development, management, communication and impact evaluation. The main lasting impact could be summarized as follows:- Young people with intellectual disabilities will develop a new perspective of their future in the world of work, motivation for creating own opportunities for making a living. Moreover, the project's impact for them is related to: improved social entrepreneurship mindset; communication competences; improved learning attainments; openness to cooperating with their peers; increased sense of initiative; improved self-esteem and self-belief. The long-term impact for young people with intellectual disabilities will be reduced unemployment.- Youth workers will be enabled to deliver high quality training in social entrepreneurship for young people with intellectual disabilities. In addition, they will raise their level of digital competences; foster their professional self-esteem and self-belief; improve their understanding of the developing European eco-system of social enterprises. - Project partners will integrate the know-how exchanged into their daily activities. The project will allow for positioning of partner organisations as a reliable European cooperative in the field of social entrepreneurship trainings for young people with special needs. Additional impact levels are linked to establishing more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the partner organizations, open to synergies with organisations active in different fields or in other socio-economic sectors; improved management competences and internationalisation strategies; reinforced cooperation with partners from other countries, other fields of education, training and youth and/or other socio-economic sectors; increased quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow-up of EU/international projects; - Other stakeholders (parents, employers, social partners, policy makers, etc.) will have increased quality of learning opportunities for young people with special needs. The Candle activities and evidence base collected with give further visibility to the issue on introducing effective policy measures for ensuring real employment prospects to young people with intellectual disabilities. Additional impacts are related to increased synergies and links between formal and non-formal education institutions; increased number of good practices exchanged.



6 Participants partenaires