Rechercher des projets européens

Les jeunes et la culture : faire tomber les frontières
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project "Young people and culture: a mean to break down borders " will take place in La Roche-sur-Yon (85) - Pays de la Loire - France inside the association "Vents et Marées" whose field of action is Theatre / Education.One young person will be host and invite to participate in all activities of the association as well as related activities in between September 1, 2016 and August 1, 2017, that is to say for 11 months.His/her areas of activities will be "Drama", "informal and formal Education" and "learning French as a foreign language". His/her objectives will be to participate alongside volunteers of the association at the promotion of cultural activities including theater.The publics targetted are young people and adults, French and foreigners. He/she will also testify of European realities, its devices and projects.During the 11 months, he/shet will be in contact with youngsters, adults working in the areas of education and training and adults working in the areas of performing arts.He/She will be invited to develop communication tools on Europe, ArtDrala's network, his/her personal project, the activities of the association. These tools will be created in order to reach a wide audience.The young volonteer will throughout his course improve his/her language, social, cultural and human skills.He/she will be accompanied by the employee of Vents et Marées as well as by all the volunteers of the association.The presence of a volonteer within the association aims at strengthening our european's commitment , developping values such as open-mindness and tolerance.



1 Participants partenaires