Rechercher des projets européens

Lerend interculturaliseren
Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The European project "Lerend interculturaliseren" ("Interculturalisation by learning") was developed from a needs analysis in the 22 Brussels Flemish community centers ("gemeenschapscentra") and from the ambition to cooperate within the EU. This needs analysis focused on the theme interculturalisation. The ambition to cooperate in an EU context has been nourished by community center De Zeyp, which for years has an open look at Europe, and has been concretized by a working group of the Brussels community centers. The project aims to meet five needs of the analysis focused on interculturalisation : - Multilingual communication - Intercultural communication and interaction - The realization of bridging contacts / encounter between diverse communities - A diverse volunteer population - Dealing with racism. The Brussels community centers (a consortium of four centers and their supporting entity) want individual educational staff to learn abroad about these five topics. 10 pairs of educational staff, managing staff, communications staff or staff of the supporting entity will have the opportunity to gain experience for one week, mainly through job shadowing (participant observation) in a foreign organization or through a structured course. The selected destination countries are: - Finland and Luxembourg (multilingual communication) - Netherlands and France (intercultural communication) - France and the UK (bridging contacts between diverse communities) - Germany and the UK (a diverse volunteer population) - Iceland (structured course, dealing with racism). For each of four topics two destinations were selected. A pair of staff members is sent to every destination. For the topic "dealing with racism" two pairs of staff members are sent to a course (course twice organized next school year). The consortium constitutes a steering committee in charge of the project. Each community center from the consortium (each project partner) will be pointed one of the four topics. Along with the selected participants (selection on the basis of specific calls, based on job profile, motivation, the spread of participants across community centers , ... ) the project partners will determine suitable host organizations and make agreements with them. With the 20 participants learning agreements are concluded. Documentation and dissemination are important elements in these agreements. Participants gain experience abroad and are encouraged to self-reflection. The project partners of the consortium build a European network and are motivated to explore other themes in an EU context. Other organizations / educational practices in Europe come to know Brussels practices and community centers. The acquired skills and experience are visible in the strategic plans of the supporting entity and the community centers (operationalization of the policy on interculturalisation 2014-2019).



4 Participants partenaires