Rechercher des projets européens

Lenguas, motor de inclusión
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Federica Montseny Secondary School is located on the outskirts of Valencia, on the east coast of Spain and has a training offer in Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education (A levels) and Vocational Studies.The Compulsory Secondary students come from local Primary State Schools, one of which is a CAES Primary school (center for singular education action). The students coming from this school belong to families with low socio-cultural level, limited economic resources and at risk of social exclusion.On the other hand, our school belongs to the net of plurilingual schools of Valencian Community and is a pioneering centre in our Community on teaching through two foreign languages (English and French) simultaneously. This allows some of our pupils complete their studies in Secondary Education knowing four European languages: The two-cooficial and two foreign.Federica Montseny School wants to do the project “languages a motor of inclusion” to include all our students in the Educative system and also in the European reality through the learning of languages, favouring their personal development, social inclusion and feeling of European Citizenship.Our main objectives focus on the improvement of all the students’ linguistic competence in foreign languages, increase the multilingual courses on offer (levels and subjects), update / upgrade teacher’s expertise in didactics and methodology as well as their own language proficiency, applying new ICTs in the classroom, getting to know at close hand an educational system with a different way of grouping students which allows us lay the foundations for a more inclusive future, increase the number of teachers involved in European projects, enhance our institution’s capacity for international cooperation, increase our contacts network and contribute to develop a European citizenship awareness in our students and institution. From all the teaching staff, the selection panel will choose 7 teachers who best meet the established profile for each mobility according to the scale set out in the project. Participants will carry out the following activities:1. Job shadowing at “Grange Academy” in Kilmarnock, Scotland:two teachers, one in the scientific, technical field and another in the sociolinguistic field will visit a school in the Spring of 2017 in order to get to know the Scottish educational system, its curriculum and institutional linguistic policies. They will analyse/ how this policy is applied and how ICTs are used in the classroom.2. Study visit to secondary schools and Training seminars in Belgium. 2 teachers will do job shadowing and training activities for 7 days, from 12 to 18 February, 2017. Its aim is to take a close look at how different subjects are taught in English, to exchange professional and cultural experiences and discuss problems found at schools, educational systems and students regarding the topics mentioned. 3. Course on CLIL methodology in England: 1 teacher during 12 days from 18 to 29 July 2016 will take part in a course which aims to learn the fundamentals, develop and evaluate didactic resources and design didactic units which will help promote integration of all the students in the multilingual approach. 4. Course for teachers of English in Ireland: ““Exploring English and Culture in Ireland: Inquiry based methodology for Teachers of English” 2 TEACHERS of English will do a 12 day training course in July 2016 the aims of which are to create an active Portfolio, analyse Irish culture and literature, share didactic resources with other teachers, literacy across the curriculum, promote the European dimension in education through strategies likely to lead to future KA2 partnershipsThe teachers taking part in the project will round out their teacher training in different points. Once the project has been accepted and after the selection panel has chosen the suitable teachers, each one will sign an agreement with the school, commiting to accomplishing the task program and the settled schedule for the mobility, and also to all the activities that will be carried out while the project is on. We expect the project “languages a motor of inclusion” will motivate our students, increasing their self-esteem and encouraging their adaptation to school. A distinguishing mark of our school is our concern about offering our students a high standard in foreign languages. Thanks to this project, we will improve and increase our multilingual courses on offer, so that it reaches the most students at our school.The language training and direct watching of the methodology used by other schools will let us address high quality plurilingual programs.We mean to get the training needed to integrate all the students in the educative system and in the European reality, through language learning, favouring their personal development, their social inclusion and awareness of European citizenship.



1 Participants partenaires